

Colorado Kinky Camping Rules and Guidelines

Please read the rules carefully. Failure to follow rules may result in eviction without refund or being banned from future events. If you have any questions or concerns, please email them to staff@coknke.com.


  1. Please talk to staff before coming if you need special parking for RVs or handicapped accommodations.
  2. The gate will be unlocked but latched to make it easier for people to come and go. Be sure the gate is securely latched each time it is opened, or folks will have to gather up the livestock.
  3. You MUST check in & get your red or green wrist band (which must be worn at all times at camp) before selecting your campsite. Instructions will be on the gate with the radio. Do not take the radio away from the gate.
  4. Check in is between 8AM & 8PM only. Please do not arrive outside those times.
  5. Be sure to get your wristband when you check in.
  6. Please camp only in established area & use only established roads.
  7. Avoid the house & livestock.
  8. You MUST check out if you leave before Sunday. We are charged site fees by the number of people we have each day.
  9. This is a ā€œcarry in, carry outā€ campsite. There are no trash cans on the site. You must take all trash, food, water, & equipment with you when you leave.
  10. Please make sure there is no trash at your campsite before leaving.
  11. Please take only pictures (see rules about photography) & leave only footprints.
  12. Avoid all areas that are in view of the house.
  1. Any early campers are to directly pay the designated cash collector which will give to Deb $10 per person per early day.
  2. Any campers staying past noon on Sunday must pay Deb $10.00 if not on tear down duty.
CHORES: Chore assignments are part of your admission price to camp. You will be notified of your chore assignments prior to camp.
  1. If you donā€™t understand your chore assignment, talk to a staff member.
  2. If you cannot do your chores, see the staff immediately to see if you can swap with someone else.
  3. When you complete your chores, check in with a staff member to let them know you completed your chores.
  4. Failure to complete chores properly may result in being banned from future events.
  5. No camper is allowed to trade or hand off jobs unless it is approved by The Chore Coordinator.
  6. A personā€™s chore assignment to KNKE supersedes any service to ANY other individuals until their chore shift is completed. It is unacceptable for a Dominant to pull their submissive(s) from their chore shift. It is unacceptable for a Dominant to assign their submissive to do the Dominantā€™s chore.


Bears arenā€™t usually a problem. With the number of people and dogs, they are seldom around. But just to be safe:

  1. If you encounter a bear, make your presence known, but don't surprise it.
  2. Don't get between a mama bear and her cub.
  3. If you do get attacked, roll on to your back, cover your head.
  4. Donā€™t feed, touch, or harass any wildlife or livestock.
  5. Keep food (including dirty dishes), alcohol, & trash in your cars or tied high in a tree. If your car is not ā€œbear-proofā€ you can get permission from a staff member to store food & trash in the trailer, but you must retrieve it before 8AM Sunday.
  6. If using the enclosed trailer as a bear box, ensure all items are stored neatly in a container or bag.
  7. Don't pour any meat grease or scraps on the ground.
  8. Wipe out your pans & dishes with a paper towel and burn the paper towel or stash it with your secured food & trash until you leave.


  1. Keep toilet lids closed to contain smell.
  2. Poop in porta-potties only as the livestock might eat it & get sick.
  3. Donā€™t put food, dishwater, or trash into toilets.


  1. You must bring your own drinking & cooking water. There is no water available on the property.
  2. There will be water provided for dish washing stations, hand washing stations, & showers.
  3. Water is available from local stores & Bailey pumping station Next to River Bend Eatery at 60006 US Hwy 285, Bailey, CO 80421
  4. Water from the pumping station may not always be potable (drinkable), & will require a hose & quarters.


  1. NO FIRES ARE EVER TO BE LEFT UNATTENDED, not even for a minute.
  2. Every fire must have a 5 gallon bucket of water next to it to completely extinguish the fire.
  4. If there is no fire ban, there will be above ground wood firepits for you to use.
  5. Keep fires to a small, manageable size so they donā€™t cause sparks, fire hazards, damage the firepits, or scorch the ground.
  6. There is usually plenty of dead wood to scrounge, but you can bring your own firewood or buy it in Bailey.
  7. No cans, trash, or cigarette butts in firepits or ash cans. (Ash is used for compost.). No hot ashes in ash cans.
  8. No fires in firepits Sunday mornings.
  9. All firepits should be cool & emptied of all ashes (into ash cans provided) by 8AM Sunday morning.
  10. Propane grills for cooking are fine with any ban, but be extremely careful.
  11. In an extreme ban (Stage Three) there are to be no fires of any kind.
  12. Fire pits that you have moved from other campsites for your use; you are required to return the fire pit to the same camp you got it from before leaving.


  1. Coffee & other hot beverages are available each morning at no cost, but you must have your own cup.
  2. You MUST bring your own food, dishes, cups & utensils.
  3. Cooking is allowed on propane cooking equipment or staff-provided fire barrels at camp central only. No charcoal grills at individual sites. No cooking on fire pits.
  4. If you do not have propane cooking equipment, there is a communal kitchen with pots & pans that you can use, but you must clean up after yourself.
  5. There is a dish washing station at the kitchen, but you may have to heat dish water & clean dish washing station after you use it.
  6. You must check in with a staff member before & after using the communal kitchen.
  7. All personal items & food should be cleaned & removed from kitchen area immediately after you eat.
  8. All equipment & utensils should be clean, dry, & cool to the touch by 8AM Sunday morning so the kitchen can be packed.


  1. There is a $5 fee for any animals that are not service animals. Service animals should wear vests at all times.
  2. All poop must be picked up & thrown in trash immediately, so please watch your pet at all times.
  3. All pets must be ā€œsocialized,ā€ monitored, & under control at all times.
  4. Do not allow pets to interact with livestock.
  5. No pets are allowed that bite.
  6. Do not allow pets to jump on people or harass people who are eating.
  7. Do not allow dogs to bark all night & keep other campers awake.
  8. Pet must be on a leash at all time, unless in an RV.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Respect peopleā€™s privacy!

  1. Be SURE not to take photos or videos of people wearing red wristbands.
  2. ASK before taking pictures of people.


  1. Donā€™t cut any live trees or wildflowers. There is usually plenty of dead wood to scrounge on the ground.
  2. Donā€™t attach anything to aspen trees. They break easily.


  1. There are homes nearby. Please keep music & noise to an acceptable level after 10PM.


  1. Please be considerate of people who may have smoke allergies.
  2. Screened smoking tents are provided.
  3. Please do not leave cigarettes, marijuana, lighters, or smoking accessories in the smoking tents.


  1. All individuals are required to haul out their own trash, there is no trash receptacle for campers.
  2. All personal belongings except chairs (toys, games, dishes, cups, alcohol, clothes, etc.) must be taken back to your own campsite each night. Dogs or wildlife may drag items off & no one wants to see other peopleā€™s mess.
  3. Other than camp chairs, do not touch other peopleā€™s property, including human property, without permission.
  4. You may use any camp chairs not currently being used, until the owner comes to reclaim it, with the understanding that if you break it or damage it, you are responsible for replacing it. If you do not want anyone using your camp chair, do not leave it unattended.


  1. Other than camp chairs, do not touch other peopleā€™s property, including human property, without permission.
  2. All personal belongings except chairs (toys, blankets, etc.) must be taken back to your own campsite immediately after your scene is over.
  3. Do not disturb or interfere with anyoneā€™s scene. This includes loud talking, talking to anyone participating in the scene, getting into their play space, touching toys or furniture being used for the scene, affecting the lighting, taking photos that were not negotiated before the scene, etc.
  4. All scenes should be negotiated in advance.
  5. Consent is MANDATORY!
  6. Safe words MUST be respected IMMEDIATELY!
  7. Notify staff before any consent/non-consent scene or scenes that may usually be highly triggering.
  8. STDs must be disclosed prior to any fluid exchanges.
  9. All equipment in play tent must be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after use.
  10. All fire play except fire cupping requires a spotter & a fire extinguisher.
  11. No breath play or extreme edge play that may require a medical facility. The nearest medical facility is at least 30 minutes away.


  1. Please take strong personal responsibility for the substances you ingest, and the behavior to display
  2. Bad behavior will not be excused by intoxication
  3. People who are repeatedly found to be drunk and disorderly will be invited to not return.
  4. If it is not legal in Colorado, that includes camp. We can not risk our agreement to rent the land.
  1. KNKE Camping does not allow firearms to be carried by campers with or without a conceal carry permit during camp.Ā  If you feel the need to bring a firearm for wildlife protection, keep it in a vehicle.
  2. Poor behavior by campers in regards to this policy may result in a warning and/or a ban from future camp events.
  1. KNKE Camping may have items for cash sale during camp.
  2. Ā All products being sold by KNKE or vendors MUST be approved by KNKE before being brought to an event.
Every camper is required to do a chore shift to help out. Failure to do ones chores may lead to a revocation of membership or other disciplinary action. If you have a problem, or accidentally miss your shift, check in with the Chore Coordinator and we will find a way to resolve the issue.Ā 

Here is a list of chores.

Archery Monitor
Hang out at or near the Archery Range for the 3 hour shift. Make sure equipment is all in place and trash is picked up. Help campers with archery if needed. Put away Bows and Arrows in the event of rain.

Bathroom Monitor
Visit each porto in use, restock and disinfect the wash station. There is no actual cleaning of the port-a-potties. Change out the water in the washing tubs. Empty trash as needed.Ā 

Coffee Service
Make coffee in the morning, hang out in the kitchen area to keep the caffeine flowing.

Dungeon Monitor
Restock supplies such as paper towels and Babicide as needed and empty trash. Make sure to do a quick check of equipment to make sure it is ready for use. This DOES NOT include active monitoring of play.

Fire Safety
Make sure people are not leaving fires unattended. If they are, put out the fire. If a fire is excessively large or making sparks flying in the air, ask them to keep fire smaller. Make sure they are following ash can rules (no hot ashes/coal, no pieces of wood, cigarette butts, or trash). All fire pits must be cool & emptied by 8am Sunday. Make sure all fires are completely out at night. Pick up loose trash as you patrol. Carry radio to keep in contact with the Security Lead. If there are issues, the Security Lead will resolve these with the campers.

Gate Keeper
Hang out at camp central for the duration of the 3 hour shift, answering the radio as people arrive at the gate. Check campers in and out. Hands out wrist bands. Help direct to the designated Staff member for chores.

Kitchen Monitor
Inspect the Kitchen for basic cleanliness. Wipe down all surfaces and change out water for dishes. Pick up all trash. If you are on the last shift of the night, empty out all dish water, wipe down all surfaces, and put the trash in the enclosed trailer.

Thursday at 8am until everything is set up. Help with the full setup of Camp Infrastructure. if arriving Thursday morning, Setup must be complete BEFORE personal camps are setup. People on the Setup crew are encouraged to arrive Wednesday night for no additional fee.

Take down
Sunday morning starting 8am and ends when everything is packed and ready to go. Disassemble all of the Camp infrastructure, and help store it away.